Tooling, Design & Maintenance

50 Years Experience

Low Cost Base

No Minimum Order

No Obligation Quotes

Strict NDAs

Short and Long Runs

Moldwel Products Ltd Delivering High Quality Services


Moldwel Products have been offering plastic moulding services in the UK and looking after our customers tooling in-house now for 40 years. Some of our tools are over 30 years old and still in production. As part of our moulding contract, Moldwel will service all tools periodically. This depends on the production hours or units made, all free of charge.


If a tooling breakdown should happen, Moldwel will select one of its many approved local toolmakers to tend to the problem as quickly as possible. We do so to prevent any further downtime and loss of production.


Moldwel Products do not have a toolroom any more. This actually saves us and you money. As well as getting the job done quicker, without cutting quality.


When we receive an enquiry for new tooling we will issue the drawing/design to our list of many modern accredited toolmakers. This, therefore, means we get the best price back. As a middleman, Moldwel do not make any profit on tooling. We are just interested in winning the plastic moulding work.

We can also out source production tooling from China. We have close relationships with many Chinese toolmakers with UK based agents.


If you are not sure what you want and need some design support for you injection moulding project Moldwel can direct you through this tricky process.

Here at Moldwel, we have a host of designers who work in many different sectors. We select accordingly to ensure we get the right man for the job.


Whether you have the tooling made in the UK or China, as long as we oversee the tooling project is made to our specific high standards, we will guarantee the tooling against damage/breakage while in our possession.

If we inherit the tooling from another moulders, we will still apply the same care to maintenance of that tool.

Moldwel Products Ltd. – Experts in Plastic Injection Moulding